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Full text of "USPTO Patents Application 09521709"

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10/22/2003 ID 14:59 FAX 650 474 8401 GLENN PATENT GROUP 



1 . Applicant thanks the Examiner for his remarks and observations. 

5 2. It should be appreciated that Applicant has elected to amends Claims 1 and 38 
solely for the purpose of expediting the patent application process in a manner 
consistent with the PTO's Patent Business Goals, 65 Fed. Reg. 54603 (9/8/00), In 
making such amendments, Applicant has not and does not in any way narrow the scope 
of protection to which Applicant considers the invention herein to be entitled. Rather, 

10 Applicant reserves Applicant's right to pursue such protection at a later point in time and 
merely seeks to pursue protection for the subject matter presented in this submission. 

3. Claims 1 - 6, 8-16, 18 - 21 stand rejected under 35 USC 102(b) as being 
anticipated by U.S. Patent No. 5,166,866 ("Molnar"). Applicant respectfully disagrees. 


A. There is no teaching in Molnar of a software package that includes " an access 
and control portion, said access and control portion affording selective access to any 
of said first and second objects ." Molnar does teach "... execution may alternatively 
require the use of additional information that may be acquired either from the broadcast 

20 stream, from a remote site via the modem #40, or through entry of authorization 
information by the user ..." (Col. 16, line 36 to line 40); and Molnar also describes 
information being organized into "blocks", in broadcast memory, wherein each block 
includes a header to identify the block, the header operating to "convey validation 
information need to control access to the information in this or other blocks" (Col. 4, Line 

25 44 to line 61). Molnar refers here, of course, to transmission units, such as packets 
(shown in Figures 2 and 3), wherein each transmission unit includes a header. 
However, there is no teaching of an access and control portion as a distinct component 
of a multi-object software package . 


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B. There is no teaching in Molnar of a software package that includes a notifier . 
While, Molnar does describe a header , as Indicated above, one skilled in the art, based 
on Molnar's description at Col 4, line 50 to Col, 5, line 18 would understand the header 

5 in its usual sense as a data structure that precedes the main body of the transmission 
unit, containing Information with which the transmission unit is identified. But there is no 
description of a notifier that is included as a component of a software package . 

C. There is no teaching in Molnar of " installing said software package on said 
10 buyer's computer system ." In fact Molnar specifically teaches that the preview software 

is not installed on the user's computer system, w .„ there are no hard copies of previewed 
programs (i.e. ... hard disk) " (Col 16, line 14 to line 16, emphasis added). 

D. Regarding Claim 2: There is no teaching whatsoever in Molnar of an "access and 
15 control portion " that "includes usage authorization information" that is included in the 

software package. 

E. Regarding Claims 4 and 5: While Molnar does teach storing the preview software 
on a hard disk at the transmitting unit (Col 4, line 4 to line 6, emphasis added), there Is 

20 no teaching In Molnar of "saving said software package to a mass storage device in said 
user's computer* or "wherein said mass st orage device comprises a hard disk drive ." 

F. Regarding Claim 6: There is no teaching in Molnar of " wherein said first object 
and said u sa ge authorization information are encrypted " Molnar teaches that the 

25 program offered for review "may alternatively offer restricted subsets of the features of 
purchasable version, or their execution may alternatively require the use of additional 
information..." (Col 16, line 34 to line 37). Thus, access to the software may be 
restricted, but there is no teaching that anv por tion of It Is encry pted. The header may 
also operate to " convey encryption information " (Col 4, line 58 to line 59, emphasis 

30 added). Thus, the whole transmission signal itself may be encrypted. But Molnar doesn't 

describe encryption of usage 3Mth Qrteatlon info rm at i o n. 

G. Regarding Claim 8: There is no teaching in Molnar of usage authorization 
information that "specifies any of: 


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permitted uses for said software product and individual components thereoLand 
prices for said permitted uses ; 

authorized extent of use, where said extent of use comprises any of duration of 
Msg and number of uses, and prices for said authorize d extent of use : 
5 content of levels , where said software is purchased in succeeding levels and 

prices for said levels ; 

an authorized user for said software product subsequent to purchase: and 

subsequent to purchase, which of said individual components and levels have 
been purch ased, and which are still available for purchase ." Applicant is unable to find 
10 any part of the drawings and specification in Molnar that remotely teach or suggest the 

H. Regarding Claim 12; Molnar is overwhelmingly directed to a "System to 
Demonstrate and Sell Computer Programs" (title). There is no teaching in Molnar of 
15 u said data objects comprise any of diqitaLimaqes . video data objects and audio data 
objects ." Col. 3, line 41 of Molnar merely describes what the carrier wave might be. 
There is no teaching of a software package that includes video data objects . 

L Regarding Claim 16: As above, there is no teaching in Molnar of a notifier, 
20 particularly not a notifier that includes an "executable code section : and 

information required by said user for purchasing rights to said software product 
and enabling entry of tran saction information required for said purchase of said rights ." 
While Col. 15 of Molnar describes the process of purchasing software, not a single step 
of the process involves a notifier that is a component of the software package itspjf . 


J. Regarding Claims 18 - 21 , as above, Molnar describes a purchase process, but 
it is not accomplished through a notifier that it itself a part of the software package, 
furthermore Molnar does not teach: 

30 "selecting one or more use options from a listing of said use options available, said 
available options b eing those objects available free of charge or those previously 


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purchased by said use r, said listing being provided by said executable code section 
accessing said usage authorization information, and wherein one or more of said 
available objects ar e retrieved by said executable code section and loaded into 
memory; and 
5 executing said requested use." 

Accordingly the rejection of Claim 1 under 35 USC § 102(b) and all Claims depending 
therefrom as being anticipated by Molnar is deemed to be improper, 

10 4. Claims 1 , 2, 6, 8 - 11 , 1 3 - 1 6, 1 8 and 1 9 stand rejected under 35 USC § 1 02(b) 
as being anticipated by U.S. Patent No. 5,224,166 ("Hartman"). Applicant respectfully 

A. Although not entirely clear, the Examiner apparently relies on Col. 1 , line 5-11 
15 of Hartman as teaching: 

"acquiring a software package, said software package comprising: 

ajirst object, said first object a full-featured version of at least one 
software pro^tf, wherein said user is denied access to said first object; 

a second object, said second object a further version of said software 
20 product ha ving some , but less than all, of the features of said first object ." 


The cited teaching merely describes the field of Hartmann's invention "a system for 
seamlessly processing encrypted and non-encrvpted data and instructions, and more 
particularly, to a data processing system that incorporates cryptographic architectural 
25 features that inhibit un authorized usage of encrypted media " Hartmann thus describes 
a processi ng unit that is capable of processing both encrypted and non-encrvpted data 


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and Instructions . "Seamlessly" presumably means that the user is unaware when the 
data and instructions processed are encrypted and when they are non-encrypted. The 
entire specification is devoted to a description of the processing unit, and the manner in 
which it process data and instructions. Virtually nothing is said about the media , nor is 
5 anything said about the ultimate use to which Hartmann's processing unit is to be put . 
There is thus no teaching or suggestion of a software package as described in Claim 1 . 
The Examiner is directed to Figure 1 of Hartmann. The media provider 10, encrypts 
(clear) media 17 to produce (encrypted) media 22, which is somehow delivered to 
remote processor 18. (Encrypted) media 22 is again shown in Figure 2. Beyond that, 
10 there is no description of the media. 17 or 22 that would lead one skilled in the art tg 
conclude that the software package of the Claimed invention was being described . 

Referring now to Figure 2 of Hartmann, each segment register 56 includes a field 60 
that indicates whether the data held in a particular register is encrypted or non- 
15 encrypted. The reference is completely silent as to where the non-encrvpted data 
comas from- Furthermore, the Claim ed invention has nothing to do with seamless 
processing of encrypted and non-encrvpted data . The Claimed invention relates to the 
evaluation of software for purchase, wherein the evaluation software is provided as a 
package, the package containing separate objects comprising an evaluation copy 
20 having a reduced feature set, and the full-featured version, wherein user access to the 
full-featured version is denied. 

Furthermore, there is no teaching or suggestion in Hartmann of "an access and control 
portion r said access and control portion affording selective access to any of said first 

25 and second objects " There is no teaching in Hartmann of first and second objects, or 
selective access to the objects. The Examiner is reminded that Hartmann provides 
seamless processing of encrypted and non-encrypted data. There is no access and 
control portion. The media provider 10 encrypts media 17, transmits it to the processor 
18, and transmits media master keys to processor 18 after receiving processor 18's 

30 public key (Figures 1 and 2). Where is the access and control portion of the software 

There is further no teaching in Hartmann of a notifier . As described above, Hartmann's 
"software p ackage" includes only the encrypted media . 



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There is no teaching in Hartmann of " installing said software package on said buyer's 
computer system ." While Hartman describes in detail how the encrypted media 22 is 
processed once it is received at processor 18 (Cols. 6 and 7) ttieireJsjno mention of 
permanently st oring the media or installing it at the processor 18 in any way . 


There is no teaching In Hartmann of accessing said second object, access to said 
second object beino unrestricted . Because Hartmann doesn't teach first and second 
objects, it is impossible to teach a step of separately accessing a second object without 
accessing the first object. Furthermore, as previously pointed out, Hartmann is 
10 concerned with seamlessly processing encrypted and non-encrypted data and 

There is further no teaching in Hartmann of "evaluating said second object whereby said 
user assesses whether said software product meet s said user's requirements ." No user 
15 is ever mentioned in Hartmann, nor is there any indication of what use the decrypted 
data and instructions will be put to. 

B. Regarding Claim 2: There is no teaching in Hartmann of "wherein said access 
and control portion includes usage authorization information." As above, Hartmann 

20 doesn't provide an access and control portion or usage authorization information. 

C. Regarding Claim 6: There is no teaching or suggestion in Hartmann of "wherein 
said first object and said usage authorization information are encrypted , whereby said 
user is prevented from accessing and us ing said first object and said usage 

25 authorization information until said prospective user executes a purchase request , 
thereby acquiring a license to at least some of the rights to said software product ." As 
previously discussed, there are no first and second objects in Hartmann, nor is usage 
authorization information provided as part of the package. There is no suggestion of a 
user executing a purchase request. The only thing remotely resembling a purchase 

30 request Is the step of the processor 18 sending the public key 12, whereupon the media 
provider 10 furnishes the media master keys and media identifiers 16. However, 
Hartmann is merely describes an encryption scheme, it has nothing to do with 
distribution of software for evaluation by a prospective buyer. 

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D. Regarding Claims 8-11. The Examiner's line of reasoning in finding Claims 8 - 
1 1 anticipated by Hartmann is completely unclear to Applicant. Hartmann neither 
teaches nor suggests usage authorization information that "specifies any of: 

permitted uses for said software product and individual components thereof and 
5 prices for said permitted uses: 

authorized extent of use, where said extent of use comprises any of duration of 
use and number of uses, and prices for said authorized extent of use: 

content of levels, where said software is purchased in succeeding levels, and 
prices fpr sfrjd levels; 

10 an authorized user for said softwa re product subsequent to purchase: and 

subsequent to pu rchase, which of said individual components and levels have 
been purchased, and which are still available for purchase." 

The only feature of Hartmann that remotely resembles the above are the media 
15 identifiers 16 that "identify the encrypted media " (Col 4, line 22 to line 23.) But nothing 
beyond this is said about them. 

E. Regarding Claims 13-16: Claims 13-16 describe the usage authorization 
information of Claims 9 and 1 1 in greater detail. As above, Hartmann doesn't even 

20 remotely suggest usage authorization information as taught by the invention. 

F. Regarding Claim 18 and 19: As above, Hartmann does not teach or suggest an 
evaluating step, nor is there any suggestion of purchasing anything. 

25 Therefore, the rejection of Claim and all Claims depending therefrom under 35 USC 
1 02(b) as being anticipated by Hartmann is deemed to be improper. 

5. Claims 17, 22 - 28 and 29 - 44 stand rejected under 35 USC 103(a) as being 
unpatentable over Molnar in view of U.S. Patent No; 5,598,470 ("Cooper"). Applicant 
30 respectfully disagrees. In view of the above, the cited references, either separately or in 


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combination fail to teach all features of the Claimed invention. Accordingly, the rejection 
of Claims 17 and 22 - 28 under 35 USC 103(a) is deemed to be improper. 

6. Claims 45 - 47 stand rejected under 35 USC 103(a) as being unpatentable over 
5 Molnar in view of U.S. Patent No* 6,006,328 ("Drake"). Applicant respectfully disagrees.* 
In view of the above, the cited references, either separately or in combination, fail to 
teach all features of the Claimed invention. Accordingly, the rejection of Claims 45 - 47 
under 35 USC 103(a) is deemed to be improper. 

10 7. Claims 48-51 stand rejected under 35 USC 103(a) as being unpatentable over 
Molnar in view of Cooper and further in view of Grantz. Applicant respectfully disagrees. 
In view of the above, the cited references, either separately or in combination, fail to 
teach all features of the Claimed invention. Accordingly, the rejection of Claims 48 - 51 
under 35 USC 103(a) is deemed to be improper. 


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In view of the above, the application is deemed to be in allowable condition. Therefore, 
the Examiner is earnestly requested to withdraw all rejections and allow the application 
5 to pass to issue as a U. S. Patent. Should the Examiner have any questions related to 
the application, he is urged to contact applicant's attorney at the telephone number 
given below. 


Respectfully submitted, 


OCT 2 2 2003 

Michael A. Glenn 

Reg. No. 30,176 


Customer No. 22862 

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1. (Currently amended) A method of evaluating software by a user for subsequent 

5 purchase comprising the steps of: 

acquiring a software package, said software package comprising: 

a first object, said first object a full-featured version of at least one 
software product, wherein said user is denied access to said first object; 

a second object, said second object a further version of said software 
10 product having some, but less than all, of the features of said first object; 

an access and control portion, said access and control portion 
affording selective access to any of said first and second objects; and 
a notffier; 

installing said software package on said buyer's computer system r wh e r -e in -s a i d 
15 insta l lation comprise s running a s e tup rout i no ; 

accessing said second object, access to said second object being unrestricted; 


evaluating said second object whereby said user assesses whether said software 
product meets said user's requirements. 


2, (Original) The method of Claim 1, wherein said access and control portion 
includes usage authorization information. 



OCT 2 2 2003 

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3. (Original) The method of Claim 1, wherein said acquiring step comprises any of 
the steps of: 

acquiring said software package as a software copy on a recordable 


5 acquiring said software package via data communication from any of an 

Internet site and a dial-up online service. 

4. (Original) The method of Claim 3, said acquiring step further comprising the step 
of saving said software package to a mass storage device in said user's computer. 


5. (Original) The method of Claim 4, wherein said mass storage device comprises a 
hard disk drive. 

6. (Original) The method of Claim 2, wherein said first object and said usage 
15 authorization information are encrypted, whereby said user is prevented from accessing 

and using said first object and said usage authorization information until said 
prospective user executes a purchase request, thereby acquiring a license to at least 
some of the rights to said software product. 

20 7. (Original) The method of Claim 6, wherein said first object, said second object 
and said usage authorization information are macro-compressed and optionally, micro- 


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8. (Original) The method of Claim 6, wherein said usage authorization information 
specifies any of: 

permitted uses for said software product and individual components thereof and 
prices for said permitted uses; 
5 authorized extent of use, where said extent of use comprises any of duration of 

use and number of uses, and prices for said authorized extent of use; 

content of levels, where said software is purchased in succeeding levels, and 
prices for said levels; 

an authorized user for said software product subsequent to purchase; and 
10 subsequent to purchase, which of said individual components and levels have 

been purchased, and which are still available for purchase. 

9. (Original) The method of Claim 8, wherein said software product comprises one 
or more executable objects. 


10. (Original) The method of Claim 9, wherein said executable objects comprise any 
of application software, utilities, and computer games. 

1 1 . (Original) The method of Claim 8, wherein said software product comprises one 
20 or more data objects, 

12. (Original) The method of Claim 11, wherein said data objects comprise any of 
digital images, video data objects and audio data objects. 


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13. (Original) The method of Claim 9 wherein said levels comprise versions of said 
executable objects having more features enabled than a version in a preceding 

5 14. (Original) The method of Claim 9, wherein said increments comprise additional 
objects over those in a preceding increment 

15. (Original) The method of Claim 11, wherein said increments comprise additional 
objects over those in a preceding increment. 

16. (Original) The method of Claim 9, wherein said notifier comprises: 
an executable code section; and 

information required by said user for purchasing rights to said software product 
and enabling entry of transaction information required for said purchase of said rights. 

17. (Currently amended) The method of Claim 16, wherein said installing step 
comprises the steps of; 

loading said software package into the memory of said user's computer system; 

running a setup routine, wherein sard executable code section performs normal 
20 setup functions, including displaying a user license; and 
agreeing to terms of said user license. 

18. (Original) The method of Claim 16, wherein said evaluating step comprises the 



steps of: 


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selecting one or more use options from a listing of said use options available, 
said available options being those objects available free of charge or those previously 
purchased by said user, said listing being provided by said executable code section 
accessing said usage authorization information, and wherein one or more of said 
5 available objects are retrieved by said executable code section and loaded into 
memory; and 

executing said requested use. 

1 9. (Original) The method of Claim 1 8, further comprising the step of: 

10 purchasing any of said software product in entirety and one or more parts 


20. (Original) The method of Claim 1 9, wherein said purchasing step comprises the 
steps of: 

15 providing user information; 

optionally, electing usage levels and desired features; 
providing payment information; 

transmitting a purchase request to a server, said purchase request comprising 
said payment information and said desired usage information. 


21. (Original) The method of Claim 20, wherein said payment information comprises 
credit card Information and contact information for said prospective purchaser. 

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22. (Original) The method of Claim 21, wherein selected information characteristic of 
said user's computer system is transmitted to said server after said purchase request is 
received by said server 

5 23. (Original) The method of Claim 22, wherein said selected information includes 
serial numbers from any of a hard disk drive, a network interface card, and a mother 

board from said user's computer. 

24. (Original) The method of Claim 23, wherein said selected information includes an 
10 identification code identifying a particular storage medium on which said software 

package was distributed. 

25. (Original) The method of Claim 22, wherein said server transmits an access 
control code to said user's computer after said purchase request is successfully 

15 processed, said access control code based on said selected information characteristic 
of said user's computer, and wherein said access control code is separately stored on 
said user's computer from said software package. 

26. (Original) The method of Claim 25, wherein said access control code is a 
20 decryption key for said encrypted first object, said decryption key based on said 

selected information, and wherein both said decryption key and said selected 
Information must be present on said user's computer in order to decrypt said first object. 


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27. (Original) The method of Claim 26, wherein said decryption key is split into two 
parts, a first part of which is calculated on said server, and a second part of which is 
calculated in real time on said user's computer using said selected information. 


28. (Original) The method of Claim 25, wherein said access control code is a 
decryption executable for said encrypted first object, said decryption executable based 
on said selected information, and wherein both said decryption executable and said 
selected information must be present on said user's computer in order to decrypt said 
first software version. 

29. (Original) The method of Claim 11 , wherein said access control portion further 
comprises a signature, said signature being readable by a predetermined executable 
serving to control access to said first object. 

15 30. (Original) The method of Claim 29, wherein said predetermined executable is a 
driver executable, wherein said driver executable is downloaded from a server by said 
user; and 

wherein said driver executable is installed on said user's computer separately 
from said software package. 


31 . (Original) The method of Claim 30, wherein said notifier comprises means for 
notifying said prospective user to download said driver executable from said server. 


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32. (Original) The method of Claim 31, wherein said driver executable reads said 
signature and recognizes said software package as one containing data objects, 
wherein said software package requires access control by said driver executable. 

5 33. (Original) The method of Claim 32, wherein said driver executable decrypts said 
usage authorization information, whereby said usage authorization is presented to said 


34. (Original) The method of Claim 33, wherein said evaluating step further 
10 comprises the steps of; 

selecting one or more use options from a listing of said use options available, 
said available options being those objects available free of charge or those previously 
purchased by said user, said listing being provided by said driver executable accessing 
said usage authorization information, and wherein one or more of said available objects 
15 are retrieved by said driver executable and loaded into memory; and 

executing said requested use. 

35. (Original) The method of Claim 34, further comprising the step of; 
purchasing any of: 

20 said software product in entirety; and 

one or more parts thereof. 

36. (Original) The method of Claim 35, wherein said purchasing step comprises the 
steps of: 


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providing user information; 

optionally, electing usage levels and desired features; 
providing payment information; 

transmitting a purchase request to a server, said purchase request comprising 
5 said payment information and said desired usage information. 

37. (Original) The method of Claim 36, wherein said payment information comprises 

credit card information and contact information for said prospective purchaser. 

10 38. (Currently amended) The method of Claim 37, wherein selected information 
characteristic of said user's computer system is transmitted to said eati server r e c ei v es 
server after said purchase request. 

39. (Original) The method of Claim 38, wherein said selected information includes 
15 serial numbers from any of a hard disk drive, a network interface card, and a 

motherboard from said user's computer. 

40. (Original) The method of Claim 39, wherein said selected information includes an 
Identification code which identifies a particular storage medium on which said software 

20 package was distributed* 

41 . (Original) The method of Claim 38, wherein said server transmits an access 
control code to said user's computer after said purchase request is successfully 
processed, said acc ss control code based on said selected information characteristic 


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of said user's computer, and wherein said access control code is separately stored on 
said user's computer from said software package. 

42. (Original) The method of Claim 41, wherein said access control code is a 
5 decryption key for said encrypted first object, said encryption key based on said 
selected information, and wherein both said decryption key and said selected 
information must be present on said user's computer in order to decrypt said first object. 

43. (Original) The method of Claim 42 wherein said encryption key is split into two 
10 parts, a first part of which is calculated on said server, and a second part of which is 

calculated in real time on said user's computer using said selected information. 

44. (Original) The method of Claim 43, wherein said access control code is a 
decryption executable for said encrypted first object, said encryption executable based 

15 on said selected information, and wherein both said decryption executable and said 
selected information must be present on said user's computer in order to decrypt said 
first software version. 

45. (Original) The method of Claim 1, wherein said software package includes 
20 means for protecting said software package against class attacks and dump attacks. 

46. (Original) The method of Claim 45, wherein said protection against dump attacks 
comprises any of erasing and modifying one or more of said objects 1 relocation 


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information, directory pointers, or entry point after said objects have been written into 

47. (Original) The method of Claim 45, wherein said protection against dump attacks 
5 comprises modifying references to external routines in an import table of said objects 

48. (Original) The method of Claim 25, wherein said server inserts transaction 
information in said software product as a watermark. 


49. (Original) The method of Claim 41, wherein said server Inserts transaction 
information in said software product as a watermark. 

50. (Original) The method of Claim 25, wherein said server inserts transaction 
15 Information in said access control code as a watermark. 

51. (Original) The method of Claim 41, wherein said server inserts transaction 
information in said access control code as a watermark. 


whereby said notifier controls access to said routines. 



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